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Membership statewide is comprised of hundreds of thousands of parents, teachers, administrators, students and other child advocates in more than 1,450 local units and councils.

Mission Statement

PTA is:

  • A powerful voice for all children,
  • A relevant resource for families and communities, and
  • A strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child.


Helen Hoffman
Administration Theme: “Supporting Kids, Raising Awareness” 



New York State Congress of Parents and Teachers is the first state branch of the National Congress, organized in October 1897. In 1899, it was incorporated as The Mothers’ Assembly of the State of New York.

In 1920, it was reincorporated as the New York State Congress of Mothers’ and Parent-Teacher Associations. In 1925 the name was changed to the New York State Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc.

The State PTA:

  • Coordinates programs statewide on behalf of children and youth.
  • Is represented on state committees and commissions dealing with children and youth.
  • Provides conferences, workshops, publications and resource materials on issues and leadership development.
  • Services units and councils through its 13 region PTAs.

Conventions and Conferences

Legislative Summit and Lobby Day: Held in February, PTA child advocates meet in Albany to address concerns about trends and conditions affecting children and youth and visit with state policy makers to lobby for change

Summer Leadership Conference: Training through workshops and idea-sharing are offered to assist unit and council leaders in all facets of leadership and held at the end of July or beginning of August.

State Annual Convention: Held in November, nearly 400 members from across the state come together to share information, elect officers, adopt resolutions and attend workshops.


New York Parent Teacher: Produced four times a year, this periodical focuses on topics of concern to parents, educators and others interested in the well being of children and youth.

NYS PTA Resource Guide: A comprehensive resource of PTA information; available for all members on the Your PTA section of the NYS PTA website.

Where We Stand: NYS PTA’s official advocacy document, including resolutions and position papers.

Fact Sheet 2024: NYS PTA printable fact sheet

Current Programs

Literacy/Pick A Reading Partner (PARP): Initially created by Sen. James Donovan and now administered by NYS PTA, this program encourages literacy-based activities.

Arts and Reflections: Facilitated through National PTAs Reflections Program, which recognizes outstanding contributions to the Arts by pre-K – 12th grade students.

Family Engagement: Family Engagement is a school-family partnership that raises student achievement, improves school and community, and increases public support.

Every Child Travels Safely: This initiative will focus on transportation safety and see that children and caregivers increase safety in all aspects of child travel.

Field Service and Leadership

The New York State PTA provides field service to local units statewide through region conferences, workshops, schools of instruction, publications and materials.

Our Work with Coalitions, Commissions and Boards

New York State PTA, as the recognized statewide parent association, is a member of many statewide coalitions, commissions and boards. When the State Education Department is looking for parent input, we are the group to whom they look for representatives. Listed are some of the groups with which we work:

Educational Conference Board (ECB): A coalition of statewide educational organizations representing parents, teachers, administrators, and other school personnel associated with each of New York State’s over 4,000 public schools, which addresses issues of mutual concern that affect education and the welfare of children. ECB members encourage their constituencies to provide funding and regulations necessary for the improvement of education along with health and welfare issues for children. NYS PTA holds three seats on this board, with our current President serving as Vice Chair.

Every Person Influences Children (EPIC): A not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping families, schools and communities raise children to become responsible and capable adults by providing evidence-based programs for parents, a character education curriculum for families and schools, and training for schools and agencies.

New York State Board of Regents: Meetings are attended by a representative of NYS PTA. The actions and proposals of the Regents are reported to the membership and are available on our website. The PTA representative is frequently called upon to sit on special committees formed by the Board of Regents and/or the Commissioner of Education.

NYS Education Department Committee of Practitioners: Established, by law, as a means for the State Education Department staff to consult with the field regarding the implementation of NCLB regulations in New York State.

NYS Education Department Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA) Think Tank: A taskforce developed to recommend the state’s new ESSA plan for implementation in New York schools.

NYS Education Department Principal Preparation: NYS PTA sits on this taskforce, which is working to improve preparation for principals and find ways to increase support during their careers.

NYS Family Engagement Coalition: An organization whose mission is to support family engagement at all levels. NYS PTA is a founding member, and members of the management and steering committees. Advocates for family engagement policies and practices to all levels of state government in NYS. Advises NYSED regarding family engagement policies and practices. Develops and maintains a statewide family engagement network of families, practitioners, researchers and policy makers, disseminating research and best practices.

NYS Healthy Eating and Physical Activity (NYSHEPA): Statewide alliance dedicated to improving policy and practices that promote healthy eating and physical activity. Our vision is to create a statewide environment where all children and adults are eating healthy food and participating in daily physical activity to promote lifelong wellness.

Professional Standards and Practices Board for Teaching: Members are appointed to four-year terms and advise the Board of Regents and the Commissioner of Education on matters related to teaching in NYS. NYS PTA hold four seats on this committee.

Rural Schools Association: A statewide coalition to advocate for small and rural schools. NYS PTA sits on the Board of Directors and brings a unique perspective to discussions of how best to support students and families in rural areas and school.

TeachNY: A collaboration between the State Education Department and the State University of New York, NYS PTA sits on this board, which is currently working on supports for the teaching profession.

NYS PTA Awards

Advocacy, Family Engagement, Leadership and Service Awards

Advocate in Action Award: Designed to recognize members who take part in activities that advance our PTA Mission and Purposes.

Community Service Award: Given to a group of individuals in thankful recognition and gratitude for what they have achieved on behalf of the children and youth in their school or community.

Distinguished Service Award: Highest State award presented to PTA members who have made outstanding contributions to the welfare of children and youth or to the PTA organization.

Family Engagement Award in Honor of Jami-Beth Knapp This award is to honor those that continue the work and dedication of Jami-Beth Knapp in family engagement.

Golden Oak and Diamond Awards: This award is to honor your most dedicated volunteers in a special way.

Honorary Life Member Award: Awarded to individuals giving outstanding service on behalf of children and youth.

Leadership Award in Honor of Jane Skrzypek: Established in 1991 to recognize outstanding PTA volunteerism.

Program Awards

Pick A Reading Partners Award: Recognizes outstanding PARP program at the region and state levels.

Reflections Theme Search: Each year students throughout the state have the opportunity to submit their ideas for future Reflections Program themes. Five NYS PTA state winners are chosen and forward to National PTA for the Theme Search Contest.

Student Awards

Jenkins Memorial Scholarship for Teacher Education: Available for graduating seniors pursuing a career in education.

Susanne Smoller Commitment to Advocacy Youth Award:   Will be awarded to one high school senior to encourage them to pursue post-secondary education or training and to continue their active engagement in advocacy in the areas of HIV/AIDS, the LGBTQ+ community, mental health, social justice or substance use.

Youth Humanitarian Award in Memory of Stanley Marcus: Recognizes a high school senior or junior who exemplifies humanitarianism.

Teacher Awards

Innovative Teacher Grant: Gives innovative teachers the opportunity to put their ideas into action. It is awarded to worthy projects that significantly influence student learning

Teacher Fellowship for Graduate Study in Memory of Richard Gazzola: To support continuing education of teachers.

Financial Information

NYS PTA Auditors Report and Financial Statements 2019

Office Information

One Wembley Court, Albany, New York 12205-3830
(518) 452-8808 ~~ Fax (518) 452-8105