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From its inception as the first state branch of the National PTA formed in 1897, New York State PTA’s long-held commitment to advocacy has been the fire within. Ignited by the efforts of a very small group of mothers gathered in Chautauqua, N.Y., today’s more than 346,000 members continue to raise their voices to speak up for children. Together we work for a common purpose: to secure adequate laws, regulations and policies for the care and protection of children and youth. To achieve this objective PTA advocates bring critical issues that affect the education, health and welfare of children and youth before the public, policy makers and elected officials. Connecting our more than 1500 grass-root units and councils, 12 regions, the state Governance Team and National PTA is the shared belief that:

“Advocacy is at the heart of PTA’s mission and vision. Taking action provides both parents and PTA leaders with the resources to become more involved with their community at home and their community across the nation.”

Excerpted from National PTA website

It is our hope that PTA members and advocacy partners will use this site to learn about New York State PTA’s current basic policy, positions, directives, issues and advocacy efforts and link these to their own advocacy efforts at the grassroots level. To receive important action alerts and messages, sign up for Voter Voice, our electronic advocacy system.

While we speak for every child with one voice, the more voices the louder the chorus! Join us to keep the advocacy flame burning and sustain the legacy of that first small group of women in upstate NY. In doing so, we will realize our vision: to make New York State PTA the premier association for advocacy and parent involvement association for all children!