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National PTA’s Every Child in Focus is a campaign to strengthen family engagement in schools by celebrating the achievements and reporting the disparities within diverse populations, and sharing resources and advocacy tools to help understand the needs of every child.

Each month, National PTA will spotlight the educational issues surrounding a particular group, highlight their accomplishments and focus on ways to help foster Family-School Partnerships.

The campaign is a school-year-long series that provides educators, families and PTAs with the information they need to deepen family engagement in schools through the PTA National Standards for Family-School Partnerships.

Every Child in Focus reinforces National PTA’s mission to advocate for every child—with one voice—so all families feel invited and welcomed within PTA, and are equipped with the tools to support their child and improve the school, which makes a difference for every child. View our video about this campaign on our National PTA YouTube Channel.

What You Can Do

Join the conversation. National PTA will work with the country’s leaders in each group highlighted to provide dialogue, resources and information that will help schools embrace diversity and inclusion. Follow @NYSPTA and @NationalPTA on Twitter and use the hastag #EveryChild

Host Every Child in Focus Leadership Events. Many of the webinars will include a discussion guide to help you fuel a robust conversation in your school or organization about key learnings and new ideas for more effective family engagement.

Follow the Every Child in Focus Calendar. Check this page each month for materials to help families and PTAs learn more about each group.

Reach out to Families. National PTA will also celebrate PTAs that are raising the bar in welcoming, engaging and supporting families in student success and school improvements. The intent is to motivate people into action and support the needs of every child.

Promote Every Child in Focus in your school. View the National PTA diversity toolkit resource to welcome and support families of all backgrounds.

Read the PTA One Voice Blog for PTA Success Stories and additional resources. You can also share your blog! We want to hear local and state PTA success stories on supporting student success through diversity and inclusion.

Share the Parents’ Guides to Student Success. These standards provide clear, consistent expectations for what students should be learning at each grade in order to be prepared for college and career.