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New York Students Honored in National PTA Reflections Program

National PTA is pleased to announce the winners of its 2023-2024 Reflections® student art program. Seven students have been honored with the Outstanding Interpretation Award, and over 200 students have been recognized with Awards of Excellence and Merit. The awards honor creative interpretations of the theme I am Hopeful Because… in the categories of dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts as well as a special artist division.

New York Outstanding Interpretation Award recipients are:

Orion Edwards-Wilson Middle School (grades 6-8)
Music Composition: “A Spark of Hope”
Samoset Middle School PTSA, Suffolk Region 

New York Excellence Award recipients are:

Azalea Edwards-Wilson Primary (pre-K through grade 2)
Music Composition: “The World is Shining Like a Heart”
Cayuga Elementary School PTA, Suffolk Region

Hayley Ji High School (grades 9-12)
Music Composition: “Nothing More to Say”
Syosset High School PTSA, Nassau Region

Isabel Coppola High School (grades 9-12)
Photography: “Within Reach”
Warwick Valley High School PTSA, Central Hudson Region

Yuhan Shi Middle School (grades 6-8)
Visual Arts: “Breakthrough”
Acadia PTA, Northeastern Region

Thea Chen High School (grades 9-12)
Visual Arts: “Let’s Create a Better World”
Syosset High School PTSA, Nassau Region

New York Merit Award recipients are:

Giavanna Scarpa Primary (pre-K through grade 2)
Dance Composition: “Hope for a Cure”
Raymond J. Lockhart PTA, Nassau Region

Addison Suwalski Middle School (grades 6-8)
Dance Composition: “I am Unstoppable”
Weldon E. Howitt PTA, Nassau Region

Ethan Salfali Primary (pre-K through grade 2)
Film Production: “Why I am Hopeful”
Grundy Avenue PTA, Suffolk Region

Jessica Liu Middle School (grades 6-8)
Film Production: “The Journey of Hope”
South Woods Middle School PTSA, Nassau Region

Lawrence Hon High School (grades 9-12)
Film Production: “The Fire and the Forest”
Syosset High School PTSA, Nassau Region

Sarah Sharma Special Artist (all grades)
Music Composition: “Piece of a Star it’s a Hope Song”
Jericho Middle School PTSA, Nassau Region

Riley Brauntuch Primary (pre-K through grade 2)
Photography: “Newport Umbrellas”
Blind Brook PTA, Westchester-East Putnam Region

Ain Jung Intermediate (grades 3-5)
Visual Arts: “I am Filled with Hope”
Arongen Elementary School PTA, Northeastern Region


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